Those Who Said No

Those Who Said No

After decades of silence survivors and relatives of the victims of a mass atrocity establish a People’s Court. They will testify against a crime carried out by the Iranian regime, a crime that has been kept secret from the public for more than 25 years. Those responsible for these crimes now hold high government office in Iran. Their secret would be safe, if it was not for the efforts of some survivors.

In 2013 an international tribunal, the Iran Tribunal, is convened in The Hague Court of Justice. Now is their chance to put Iran on trial for their crimes against humanity.

Those Who Said No is a film about people who refuse to be silenced, people who fight for the right to tell their story in court.

Director: Nima Sarvestani
Editor: Jesper Osmund
Associative Producer: Farima Karimi
Consulting Producer: Steven Seidenberg